Consortium partners had the opportunity to meet and get to know each other as well as to discuss the project’s future activities and shape the project’s workplan in this two-day event!
The kick-off meeting was the initial activity for the SMAUG project to start working towards its mission: To improve and enhance the security of ports and their entrance routes.
The meeting was attended by the project’s 22 partners which span across 7 EU countries (Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Norway, Estonia) and include Universities, Research Centres, SMEs, Law Enforcement Agencies, Public authorities, Coastal / Border guards and Private organisations. More specifically, partners with significant experience in cut of the edge technologies, maritime security, legal & etchis, AI, market research etc. are forming the SMUAG team and coming from Spain (Indra, Agencia Estatal De Administracion Tributaria, Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Fav Innovation And Technologies Coop, Fundacion De La Comunidad Valenciana Para La Investigacion, Promocion Y Estudios Comerciales De Valenciaport, Fundacion Centro De Tecnologias De Interaccion Visual Y Comunicaciones Vicomtech) from Italy (Scuola Superiore Di Studi Universitari E Di Perfezionamento S’ Anna, Smartlex Srl), France (Elistair, Ministere De L’interieur, Athanor Engineering), Estonia (AUSTRALO, VETE Engineering Ou), Germany (Lemvos GMBH), Greece (Information Technology For Market Leadership, University Of Piraeus Research Center, Heraklion Port Authority AE, Ministry Of Maritime Affairs And Insular Policy, Organismos Limenos Elefsinas Anonymi Etaireia), Norway (Maritime Robotics As, Universitetet I Sorost-Norge, Drammen Havn).
The SMAUG project is looking forward to sailing away in a safer maritime environment!
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