SMAUG at the European Ports Alliance Workshop!

The SMAUG project participated at the European Ports Alliance workshop that took place in Brussels on the 12th of July 2024! SMAUG was invited to present its work at the workshop on Cluster IV “Innovation: Use Innovative Technologies To Strengthen The Resilience Of Logistical Hubs And Shipping Sector To Drug Trafficking”. The workshop brought together public authorities (including police, customs, coast guards, border guards, and port authorities) and private stakeholders to address the challenges and opportunities in strengthening the resilience of logistical hubs and the shipping sector against drug trafficking.

Our consortium partner, Rafael Company from Fundación Valenciaport, spread the word about the project’s aims and objectives to key stakeholders engaging in fruitful discussions while establishing connections with relevant EU projects.

Workshop highlights

The workshop aimed to achieve a dual objective: fostering networking opportunities and mapping innovative solutions to combat drug trafficking in ports. Several key points and action items were discussed, focusing on the use of advanced technologies to enhance port security.

Action points for Cluster IV: Innovation: use innovative technologies to strengthen the resilience of logistical hubs and shipping sector to drug trafficking.

  • Map existing technological solutions and technology under development that aim to improve the resilience of logistical hubs and the shipping sector to drug trafficking, including solutions using artificial intelligence. In addition, map existing technology and technology under development developed for other uses but that could be used for strengthening the resilience of the logistical hubs and the shipping sector to drug trafficking. Review ports’ IT security/cybersecurity measures, with the aim to map weaknesses and criminal activities observed, and to adopt – if necessary – measures to improve resilience in this domain.
  • Identify technical solutions to improve the security of the whole logistical chain, including suspicious behavior on maritime routes.
  • Exchange on how to detect drugs, especially through non-intrusive inspections, screening technologies; maritime situational awareness and protection of ports from trafficking through ships; data-based risk analysis and intelligence.
  • Exchange on smart seals, smart containers, container tracking or similar technical applications that could be further developed and harmonized to increase the security of the shipments. Develop and share best practices to allow for a smooth information exchange between private operators and public authorities on the data collected by such devices.
  • Explore how to better promote the use of new technologies for biometric controls of accesses and physical security of the ports.

The purpose of this workshop was multifaceted, aiming to achieve several key objectives. First, it sought to present current EU-funded projects of interest to European Ports Alliance stakeholders, highlighting the latest developments and innovations. Second, the workshop fostered the exchange of best practices among stakeholders, including relevant innovations developed in EU Member States and insights from Europol’s Innovation Lab. Additionally, it provided a valuable networking opportunity, enabling stakeholders of the European Ports Alliance to connect with participants of the EU-funded projects. Finally, the workshop aimed to explore remaining gaps and define possible priority areas for future EU funding in this domain.

Learn more about the European Ports Alliance and its Public-Private Partnership to step up the fight against drug trafficking and organised crime.

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